
Thursday, 26 May 2011

Challenges in Medicine Veterinary

What are the new challenges in veterinary? This is the question that all students need do to we, and overcoat the new students of Veterinary Medicine because in general many students enter to this career with a idea and go out with other. For this reason is interesting know which are this challenges.
In my opinion we like veterinarians have many challenges in many areas:
In first place in social topics we need teach to the people about different topics like responsibility possession of pets, this is a important point nowadays when the attacks of dogs are very "popular" (in my opinion because the people don´t know like handle a dog) or too for the law about the responsibility possession . We have much to say in this law. 

On the other hand in the technology we need are always update because the technologies in different areas of the medicine and production of animals change all days. In my opinion this is the most difficult work for us because we should are studying the rest of our life. It´s truth, this sound like a sentence but we can´t do nothing, the world change, we should change with he.
Also it´s important say that nowadays a veterinarian should be ready for work in different areas that not always are nearly in relation with Veterinary Medicine like public health or quality of food, that not are the jobs more traditional that do a veterinarian.
Moreover, in my opinion we need explorer others areas not explored before because I think that many veterinarians only go to work to areas that are full like medicine of small animals. So you can see many veterinarian clinics in a small place.  We have many worlds for explorer, and we should think that we have all the knowledge do it. In theory we are the best veterinarians from Chile (sometimes only in theory lamentably) We are from University of Chile!!!. So we can open this others areas and not only do the same that the rest of the people.
But this is the future, for now the first it is study though sometimes it isn´t very nice :S


María José said...

yes, is very important the possession responsible of pets... the people think that pets is "stuffed animals" and it is not ... This website ... is a how to use of technology for the veterinary and the people for resposible possesion ...

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