Scientits studied about the yawn in a specie of tortoise call (with all possible reason) Red-footed tortois.With a unique purpose, meet more about the contagious yawn. This specie often don`t show behaviours mimicry but they can show some answers to things that they can see .
The scientits took seven tortoises and they trining to one of this tortoises (her name was Alexandra) to do someones movements like when a tortoise yawn and then she was showed to the others tortoise in the study in the three ways:In yhe first experiment the scientists showed to Alexandra in a single time, yawn. In the second they showed to Alexandra yawning in several times to the other tortoises and in the thirth and last experiment they showed to a tortoises yawning and not yawinig in several videos.
Then of the tree experiments the scientist came to the conclusion that this tortoises not yawn in a contagious way.
For the scientist this is a step more in the studied of the strange behaviour of the countagious yawn in animals and then probably to know about this behaviour in humans.
i think that the yawn is very funny XD, i cant imagine like the tortoise yawn, should take many time jajajajajajaja.
see you carola!
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