
Tuesday 24 May 2011

Equality Education

In the last time two topics are very commented in Chile and generated massives protests, one Hidroaysen and the second the Education in our country. In my opinion Hidroaysen is a topic very very important but this time I need talk about Education.
In firts place I need say that I always was linked to the education because my mother is teacher, moreover in a public and poor school. I was in that school and I know very well how is study in that kind of school. With this kind of experiencie I need say that the problem in Chile is more deep that only the education. The problem in Chile is poverty. It´s only think in that kind of motivation in study can have a boy that in his house don´t have the minims needs covers, like food or electricity, that boy only think in work when he go out of the school. Moreover we need add to this that often in the house of this kind of boys there isn´t none motivation for study because often nothing in the family studied before. This problem in Chile generates inequality in the accesses to the University.
The second big problem in Education in Chile that now this it´s a business and all day born a new private university often with a education of bad quality and with high duties. And in this last point nowadays the public universities are very similar to the private university. That it´s other point that generates inequality and not only that, delinquency and more poverty finally.
So in my opinion we don´t can leave everything in hands of the schools. They can with all this. We need do something. In first place vote, we need vote for leaders that change the situation and generates more equality between poor and rich.
Moreover we too can help to others for generates more eduction in the people with fewer resourses this is collaborating in campaings that help to show to the people with fewer resourses that the world in that they live isn't so small how they think.
Finally I should say that all changes in Education are to long term as minimum 10 or 20 years more. So what we are hope?


Carolina Arenas said...

I completely agree with you respect to voting, if we don't enforce our main civil right, with what argument we want to participate later? Unfortunately the issue of education is one of the most complex, but of course we must try to improve, providing even with a "grain of sand. "
See you Carol, hope you are great!

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